The West’s Shift on Jews from Persecution to Reverence

By Sayed Ameen February 13, 2025 56

The year 1483 marked a turning point in the political, economic, and social status of Jews and had a significant impact on the future of large parts of the world, particularly the Arab and Islamic world. This was because it was the year when the Christian West made a dramatic shift from persecuting, enslaving, and forcibly converting Jews to Christianity, to showing loyalty to them—so much so that it bordered on sanctifying them.

Conversely, it was also the year when the Muslims transitioned from fighting the Crusades—whose attacks on their lands and massacres against them never ceased—to combating Zionism, which adopted the same role but at a lesser cost to the West and with more deception and distortion of historical facts.

The West’s New Gloves

It can be said that the West put on new gloves when Martin Luther founded the Protestant movement, which means "the protesters," calling for reform of the Catholic Church. These reforms included revolutionary measures aimed at abolishing the church’s authority, even the church itself, and giving greater importance to the Old Testament (the Torah) in interpreting Christianity instead of the New Testament.

The new doctrine embraced the belief that the return of Christ was contingent upon the existence of a strong Jewish state in Palestine and the rebuilding of the Temple of David. This vision stemmed from an evangelical perspective that spoke of a great battle in which all who did not believe in the divinity of Christ—including the Jews themselves—would be annihilated. Only then would the thousand-year kingdom of happiness begin on earth with Christ's return.

The harsh control of the Western church over public life in Europe caused discontent among a sector of the population, prompting them to rally around Luther’s call, which found its outlet in newly discovered lands. The pioneers who reached these lands were characterized by a general rebellious nature, including against church authority.

Bloody Developments

These developments provided an opportunity for Freemasonry to exploit the cracks and infiltrate to achieve its own goals. Freemasonry, as we know, is a secular, opportunistic, and colonial movement that denies religion and humanity. Despite its disguise in a religious guise under the name "the new builders of the temple," its core aim is to destroy communal and moral values, ignite conflicts and wars, spread diseases, and ultimately reduce the global population to a "golden billion."

Accordingly, Zionism carefully aligned its plans to benefit from this situation. It managed to protect the Jews from Western tyranny and redirected the West’s strength and anger toward common enemies—the Muslims and Arabs—achieving what it could not on its own while maintaining the belief that Western prophecies would never come true. If they did, they would only result in the return of King David, not Christ.

An Alliance of Extremism

This blending was not truly between Judaism and Christianity as two religions (which Islam refers to as "People of the Book," distinguishing them from polytheists) but between two extremist movements—Zionism and Freemasonry—that found in each other a means to achieve their malevolent goals.

If the current war is against Islamic societies, it is because Islam’s doctrinal and jurisprudential foundation has enabled it to resist this torrent and delay its expansion, even while under complete Western colonization. Meanwhile, Western societies have been completely crushed, leading to the spread of atheism, perversion, extremism, nudity, and justifications for extermination or enslavement of opponents—despite all of this contradicting the essence of Christianity.

Traditional Christianity

Recent history shows that Western societies a century or two ago were more adherent to traditional Christianity, with values of modesty and religiosity prevalent—similar to what we see today in Christian gatherings within Muslim societies. However, because the destruction of communities is the first step toward Masonic empowerment, dismantling Western societies and pulling them away from their religious beliefs was the first step toward subjugation.

Therefore, Zionism, which is a devious and cunning ally of Freemasonry, is not only an absolute evil against Islam but also an equal threat to Christianity.

The brutal, supremacist, and genocidal nature of Zionism—exposed through its actions in Gaza and Lebanon—has destroyed the spiritual aura once associated with Judaism in the minds of many around the world, inflicting irreparable damage.

New Crusades

After the atrocities committed in Gaza and the evident Western complicity with Israel, the belief has grown that empowering today’s criminal Zionism in Muslim Palestine is a continuation of the Crusades.

It has become clear that the West’s goal in this endeavor is to keep the Arab world—the heart of the Islamic world—in a state of perpetual distraction with proxy wars, both military and intellectual. This strategy has succeeded to some extent, weakening the region’s strength and diminishing its global influence.

One of the biggest blows was the success of Zionism and Freemasonry in undermining the intellectual and behavioral fabric of Muslim individuals while Western colonial policies alienated Muslims within their own countries by installing puppet governments loyal to the West.

The West wants us to drink from the same poisonous cup it once voluntarily swallowed, yet it is surprised by our refusal to drink!


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