As the global community observed World Water Day on Monday, the UN secretary-general said access to water is a defense against ill health, indignity, and the challenges of the climate crisis.
In a tweet on Monday, Antonio Guterres said the world should commit to intensifying global efforts so all may have equitable access to this most precious resource.
Every March 22, World Water Day highlights the importance of fresh water. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
In a statement marking the day Monday, the Cameroonian-based African Center for Advocacy (ACA) said water sector privatization continues to threaten households, health, education, and the integrity of natural environments on the African continent.
The group said water sector privatization will make it impossible for the continent to meet UN Sustainable Development Goal 6, which advocates availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all by the year 2030.
“The theme of the World Water Day commemoration should motivate African governments to take action. It is a reminder that the issue of governance is central to guaranteeing universal access to water,” Younoussa Abbosouka, the group’s advocacy officer, told Anadolu Agency.
“They must therefore reject water privatization in all its forms and prioritize sustained public funding in the sector to meet people’s water needs.”
“The commemoration raises awareness about the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water and sanitation. The theme of the 2021 commemoration, Value Water, addresses issues of environmental, social, and cultural value that people place on water,” the ACA said, adding that “water is sacred” on the African continent./agencies