The Legacy of Henry Kissinger Featured

By Gamal Khattab December 14, 2023 6965


Kissinger eulogies versus Kissinger condemnations

Henry Kissinger, a former United States Secretary of State, recently passed away, and people have had mixed opinions about his legacy. Some people praised his accomplishments, while others criticized his actions. Let's take a closer look at both sides.

The Good Side

One of Kissinger's notable achievements was his role in the secret negotiations that led to Richard Nixon's historic trip to China in 1972. This trip changed the dynamics of the Cold War and is considered a brilliant diplomatic move.

The Bad Side

However, many people believe that Kissinger made some terrible decisions during his time in power. Some writers argue that his policies caused damage around the world, harmed emerging democracies, and resulted in the loss of countless lives.

Understanding Kissinger's Role

It's important to remember that Kissinger was not solely responsible for all the negative aspects of US foreign policy. Many of the actions he took were already in motion before he came into power.

A Continuation of Trends

Kissinger did not start the trend of supporting coups in other countries or conducting bombing campaigns that caused civilian casualties. These practices were already happening before he became a key figure in the US government. However, he had done nothing to stop them

Centralization of Power

One significant trend during Kissinger's time was the centralization of foreign policy decision-making in the hands of the President and his closest advisors. This meant that the State Department's role in policy creation and execution was reduced.

The Tragedy of American Diplomacy

Looking at Kissinger's legacy, it becomes clear that he represents the contradictions and failures of US foreign policy. American leaders genuinely believed in their ideals, but their actions often clashed with those ideals, leading to devastating consequences.

Missed Opportunities

Kissinger, as a refugee from Nazi Germany, could have been a symbol of the US's democratic ideals. However, short-term interests, violence, and ideological posturing took precedence over moral and rational decision-making.

A Lesson to Learn

Henry Kissinger's legacy serves as a reminder that we must strive for consistency between our ideals and our actions. It is crucial to prioritize long-term goals, empathy, and diplomacy when engaging with other nations.